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10 min read

How AI is Reshaping Reinsurance Underwriting For The Better in 2024

Freeing underwriters from repetitive tasks and enhancing their decision-making ...
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8 min read

Grow or Die? Key Considerations for Reinsurers To Achieve Healthy Business Expansion

Whether or not you agree with the business paradigm that you must ‘grow or die’, many of ...
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8 min read

How Reinsurers Can Prepare for IFRS17 While Adapting to the ‘New Normal’

As the UK prepares to gradually reopen the economy over the coming weeks, all eyes now ...
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29 min read

Captives – Driving efficiency by controlling cost

Following on from our previous blog ‘Exploring Captive Solutions in a Hardening Market’ ...
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21 min read

Exploring Captive Insurance Solutions in a Hardening Market

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8 min read

Cloud-based Captive Platforms of the Future

While reviewing our recent White Paper “Captive Insurers - The Risks and Opportunities in ...
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16 min read

Three ways to keep in contact throughout self-isolation and social distancing

We are living in an unknown world at the moment. Unknown for our day-to-day working life, ...
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8 min read

2 key changes that may redefine how insurers access the London Market

Unsurprisingly, the Future at Lloyd’s took centre stage at this year’s TINtech London ...
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11 min read

Robotic Process Automation explained

In the optimistically titled film ‘2001’, Stanley Kubrick introduced a world where AI (in ...
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9 min read

What to look for in the upcoming Lloyd's Blueprint

When Lloyd’s released ‘Blueprint One’ in September last year, it was broadly met with ...
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17 min read

The uncertainty that surrounds technology strategy

One thing that often comes up, whether we are talking informally to market contacts, or ...
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6 min read

Three things that a captive should know about its strategic technology partner!

Insurance managers and captive owners will recognise that building strategic partnerships ...
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