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11 min read

A Disturbance In The Force – A Schism In The Making

Five years on from the referendum question, which posed, should the UK leave the European ...
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11 min read

"We’re Sorry But Our Systems Are Unavailable At Present"

What all banks and financial institutions dread in the ‘always on’ world of digital is ...
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8 min read

How Reinsurers Can Prepare for IFRS17 While Adapting to the ‘New Normal’

As the UK prepares to gradually reopen the economy over the coming weeks, all eyes now ...
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9 min read

Time to Be Clear on Uncleared Margin Rules (UMR)

Following regulatory forbearance due to Covid and the resultant extensions to the ...
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7 min read

Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets: The Coming of Age for Treasury Management Systems

In our whitepaper, What to look for when selecting a treasury management system, we ...
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29 min read

Captives – Driving efficiency by controlling cost

Following on from our previous blog ‘Exploring Captive Solutions in a Hardening Market’ ...
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16 min read

A Valentines proposal for Banks & Fintechs: Engagement, Partnership or Separation?

Banks have always been top of the food chain. The threat of FinTechs (Challenger Banks ...
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21 min read

Exploring Captive Insurance Solutions in a Hardening Market

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16 min read

Elf on The Shelf – What Would The Regulatory Elf Be Up To?!

Elf on the Shelf is a simple concept that has proved to be immensely popular. It is based ...
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16 min read

Brexit Pragmatism paves the way to proportionate Banking Regulation

Markets appear, according to commentators, to be pricing in a last-minute deal between ...
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16 min read

The Haunting of an OTF; the Devil will be in the detail.

Following on from the MAR report in my last blog comes one on a consultation from ESMA ...
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14 min read

A Ghost of Christmas Past Makes an Early Appearance – ESMA and MAR Haunt the Spot FX Market

As we approach Halloween market abuse has come back to haunt the FX market. Our Advent ...
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